Camp Rules & Dress Codes

Camp Rules:

1. Campers are to demonstrate Christian Character. We are to please the Lord at all times.

2. Obedience to camp counselors and workers is absolutely essential.

3. Campers are to attend all services, meals and all scheduled activities.

4. Waterfront is off limits except at appropriate times with counselors.

5. Disobedience may result in campers being sent home at their churches expense.

6. If you have a problem with a camper or another worker and you feel it is necessary to tell someone, tell it to your own pastor and the camp director only, do not discuss it with others.

Girls Dress Code:

- Culottes, skirts and dresses must be knee length or longer without any slits. No gauchos, slacks or shorts.

- All dress should be modest: as becomes a Christian: not too tight, not see through, not low cut, etc.

- A robe or covering is to be worn to and from the swimming area.

- Knee length shorts and a dark t-shirt are to be worn for swim time.

Boys Dress Code:

- Hair: off collar, out of eyes, and above the ears.

- Long pants only, good pants for evening services and special times - No shorts please!

- Knee length shorts and a dark t-shirt are to be worn for swim time.

Suggestions of what to bring to camp…

Bible, pencil, paper, twin-sized bedding or sleeping bag, pillow, towels, toiletries, spending money, and clothes for activities, chapel services, and swim time. A jacket, flashlight and spending money.

Suggestions of what NOT to bring to camp…

Fireworks, weapons, video games, listening devices, magazines, tobacco, alcoholic beverages, or drugs. Cell phones and all electronic and media devices should be left at home or in the hands of the counselor or Pastor.